Tips For Those Who Want To Know How To Get Thick African American Hair

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By Kenya England

Just a few decades ago, tightly curled hair was something that was associated with shame. This led to the popularity of straightening methods such as the application of heat or perming. Women of African decent are not showing more appreciation for their hair and are becoming more bold in how they adorn and style their curls. This has driven a quest by many of these women and their stylists for tips on how to get thick African American hair.

The first option that many natural sisters choose to thicken their locks is to treat it. Treatment is done by mixing nutritious solutions and applying them to the hair. The solution is allowed to soak into the follicles for periods of thirty minutes or more. The combination that is used is usually dependent on the research that the woman has done and the products that are available or in season.

One popular natural hair treatment ingredient is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is renowned for its many health benefits and women's locks have, for centuries benefited from its use. Aloe Vera is sometimes used by itself but at other times it is mixed with other ingredients. The internal parts of the plant are extracted and massaged into the tresses and scalp. It is then allowed to remain there to deposit its nutrients before being rinsed away.

In addition to Aloe Vera natural hair enthusiasts use coconut oil to promote thicker, stronger curly locks. This oil is taken from the nut that grows on the coconut tree and like many other oils derived by similar means is linked with many health benefits. For lock thickening purposes coconut oil is preferred in its rawest, purest state.

Among the locks enhancing concoctions used to promote thickness is a popular tropical food, avocado. The ripe fruit is massaged onto the head and allowed to deposit its thickening and health promoting benefits before it is rinsed off. Many users of this fruit combine it with other beneficial ingredients such as eggs, or ripened bananas.

Nature also provides natural tresses with health benefits through the avocado fruit. The ripe avocado is massaged into hair to give it more volume. Sometimes it is combined with other strand enhancing ingredients such as eggs or ripe bananas. Like other mixtures this one is allowed to sit on the head for a minimum of thirty minutes to allow for optimum absorption

Women also adjust their diets with a view to improving the thickness of their natural locks. Folic acid is associated with cell division and production and many have recognized this. They therefore increase their consumption of foods that contain the nutrient. Others increase their intake through supplements. Other herbal remedies such as royal jelly are also consumed to improve tress thickness.

Styling methods are also tailored to promote thickness in natural locks. Protective styling techniques are known for their promotion of healthy growth. This is because the curls undergo less stress since they are untouched for a while. In addition to protective styling, natural sisters lean on styles that are achieved with limited manipulation of the hair.

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