Easy Steps to a healthy diet in summer

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Summer is the separation of holidays and picnics and ensure a good time to highlight it of our clothes for swimming and to overcome the high temperatures scorching. We take advantage of the generosity of this nature and diverse group of delicious foods and colors characteristic rich in vitamins, folate and mineral salts Vit C, Vit K as well as fiber. Healthy eating is easy and refreshing helps you stay active and avoids all of the side effects that you get through this season.

Some useful tips that can be followed to overcome the summer heat and make it part of your lifestyle.

• Water is the best option to quench thirst. It is a key ingredient in keeping the body cool without feeling tired and lethargy. Should not wait until the feeling thirsty, but drinking constantly especially in the heat.

• Avoid soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, and caffeinated beverages all these drinks contain preservatives, colors and sugars. They are acidic in nature, causing a loss of fluid through the urine. Most soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which is harmful to the digestive system gradually, but excessive intake of soft drinks increases the levels of phosphorus in the blood. Removes calcium from the bones, making them brittle and cause plaque on the teeth, kidney stones, arthritis. Soft drinks also reduce the levels of minerals in the body to the extent that the enzyme is unable to work well, which leads to indigestion.

• reduce the intake of vegetables, fruits, acute, such as radish, chili, onions, garlic, beets, and grapefruit in addition to the food-rich spices and salt-free and red that increase thirst.

• Generally in the summer tend to drink soft drinks, juices, iced tea or artificial cold coffee with cream to the extent that we forget the calories that we take. The consumption of fluids is just to quench your thirst and your hunger, so choose wisely fresh juices like orange, diluted beer and other alcohol. Fliscml your diet on a lot of fruits and vegetables in the form of power and fresh juices without sugar consumption.

• authorities refrigerated vegetables are also a great way to start their meals. Almost all authorities Tattabrsriah preparation and healthy cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, etc. .. and also lots of different cooking such as zucchini, green peas and mallow etc. .. These vegetables are considered nutritious and low in calories. Remember the greater the number of fresh vegetables in your diet you are to your good health. Antioxidant properties in this summer vegetables can help to minimize skin damage due to exposure to sunlight during the summer days.

• vegetables from five colors: red, green, blue, yellow and white. Must consumption of green vegetables and orange carrots in vitamin A, which is considered good for the heart and the skin to fit Balkorotinat health and useful to consider, such as pumpkin, nuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes and pepper colored with vitamin A and vitamin C, an antioxidant vital.

• Stay away from fried foods Kalriqaúq, potatoes etc. .. essay for the rich in fat, which have the effect of high heat causing the discomfort.

• Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Consumption should be grilled or baked instead of the minutes of fried.

• consumption of a variety of fresh summer fruits such as berries, plums, peaches, grapes, apples, oranges and bananas instead of sweets to satiate your appetite and sugars. The watermelon contains more than 80 percent of the water, so it is an excellent way to meet Atchkm and keep your body hydrated.
As for Manjuo apricot fruit These are only available in the summer and are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and rich in fiber.

• beans and legumes, beans are the source of animal protein alternative. This change can not only add fiber to your diet, but also helps to reduce calories and cholesterol and saturated fat from your diet.

• spicing authorities Herbal: Choose fresh herbs from the garden, such as basil, parsley, watercress and thyme, mint and lemon juice and Alkhlaly types of switches.

• low-calorie desserts such as sweet cherries, grapes, chocolate covered frozen bananas, blackberries and white peach with honey, pineapple and ice cream on the fruit flavor, and ice cream made from fruit or yogurt (Frozen yoghurt).

In conclusion, with high temperatures in the summer should be selected food choices and natural health extensively available in our local markets.

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