Your life with a more positive sport
The last decade has seen a dramatic shift in lifestyle among many, and their lives become based on eating a healthy diet and regular exercise.
The studies confirm and research published by the World Health Organization in many countries the number of people who are aware of the importance of the sport continues to increase as a result of a link Sports mental health, physical and effective role in promoting self-confidence and reduce the degree of stress suffered by the man in his daily life.
It also launched a number of health institutions around the world such as WHO, and the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine some of the documents and recommendations, and most important:
1 - The importance of physical activity for the health of the individual's physical and psychological, especially women who are prone to more pressure neurological and psychiatric compared to men as a result of burdens home and work at the same time.
2 - the need to exercise physically active medium is characterized by severity for at least 30 minutes per day. Or 60 minutes three days a week.
3 - The need to measure the levels of physical activity on an ongoing basis, and to provide them with the proper awareness about the importance of physical activity for health.
4 - should provide places appropriate mathematical encourage physical activity, sports and Calcahat footpaths and others.
In this issue we will focus "Dear Eve" on how to perform the sport appropriate for your age and your health in order to improve mental and physical health at the same time, such as:
1 - followers of the new in the field of exercise aerobic through television and social networking via the Internet in order to avoid feeling bored and chronic fatigue as a result of the exercise, as advised to fitness experts at the Academy of Sports Medicine surfing sports websites and choose the types of exercises similar to the exercises daily, which lends further change and reduces the chances of traction injury and muscular sprains.
2 - a national exercise in front of a mirror along the body, which creates you have the will and the strength to continue and at the same time makes discovering weaknesses and beauty in your body, which makes you like shape and maximum Tbzlin what you have in order to improve it for the better.
3 - Listen to your favorite music provided that the nature enthusiastic over the flame of a challenge inside you in achieving the target of the exercise, as indicated by experts from the American Center for Disease Prevention to that music in the exercise of a positive effect on the mental state in order to continue beyond the time of exercise.
4 - Take care to provide ways of safety and security to your body during exercise, for example, you should wear the right shoe, Valhrolh and running for two special shoe helps absorb the shock and reduces stress on the articular ankle and knee, and the other sports like tennis and others have her shoes appropriate that prevent slipping. It should also when physical activity wear comfortable cotton clothing, and stay away from clothes that do not allow industrial ventilation skin.
5 - Repeat what is going on in your head loudly. Which increases concentration and helps you to take any kind of fateful decisions in a positive way.
6 - should not be overlooked warm-up exercises before starting to exercise basic for you. It is worth mentioning that the warm-up exercises refine the body and increase his physical strength and muscle to complete the exercise, which improves the mental state and a positive impact on the rate of thinking and focus.
7 - Do not let your primary goal of the exercise is to win curvaceous body without taking into account factors other positive gained from sports such as raising the physical performance, improve health and increase the power of memory and the high rate of focus.
8 - necessary to develop long-term goals, and to start gradually, both in intensity or duration, or even repeat the practice, in the case of outage for some reason, it must also take into account the gradient in order to avoid feeling bored to return once again to exercise.
9 - Make sure the drinks, fresh juices and fluids during exercise for energy Tatmda not wait to drink water after the completion of the exercise, as it can lead to dehydration and weakness of the energy and the feeling of not being able to continue.
10 - Avoid hot bath or steam after physical activity directly, because the blood vessels are dilated immediately after physical activity, which may lead to reduced arterial blood pressure, especially when the amount of loss of fluids and salts during physical activity.
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