Prevention of breast cancer

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Breast cancer: is one of the most common types of cancers these days, the most deadly women unfortunately. Here's a glimpse of what you can do to protect yourself from this epidemic, which affects women and one out of every nine women approx.

Move more, eat fruits and vegetables, and keeping fit, and do not miss the annual examination of the breasts ... It is important tips for the prevention of breast cancer, which is accessible to all women without any exception. In fact, the commitment by the sponsor to avoid 30 percent of breast cancers.

Move for two hours every day

Pour off the locomotive and the accumulated toxins in your body ... it is very useful to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Indeed, studies have shown that modern scientific practice of physical activity for two hours a day (such as brisk walking, climbing stairs, and interest in the garden ...) gives women as well as by 6 to 18 percent compared with the lifestyle too much sitting.
Women who exercised nearly five hours of physical activity per week reduces the risk of exposure to breast cancer by nearly 30 percent, while women's professional sports (ie, exercising three or more hours of exercise Almkthagh every week) mitigate the risk of exposure to breast cancer by 50 percent approx.
So, doctors say exercise at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day (in the form of swimming or jogging or dance ...) capable of reducing the exposure of breast cancer by nearly 30 percent.

In addition, exercise helps to get rid of excess weight and directly affect estrogen levels in the body. So, exercise is considered one of the best ways to set aside the risk of breast cancer.
For the woman who originally suffered from breast cancer, the physical activity reduces the danger of the return of the disease again by 25 percent.

Eating healthy food

Bad food and unbalanced contribute to the emergence of 60 percent of cancers in women. So, always remember the advice of doctors argument need to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. In this case, it can prevent 20 percent of the cases of cancer, including breast cancer.
At present, scientists have focused too much on the protective effect of green vegetables because they contain carotenoids, and folate (vitamin B9), and vitamins C and E, selenium, and plant estrogens and some fiber.

Also add nuts to dishes because the power to Hventan daily consumption of walnuts, rich in omega-3 and antioxidants and plant estrogens, lets reduce exposure to breast cancer significantly.

Finally, choose a good varieties of fats, such as the fat found in dairy products and fish, omega-3, 6, and vitamin D.
On the other hand, avoid trans fatty acids because they are very harmful to the breasts. Scientific studies have shown that women who consume a lot of trans fatty acids at risk for breast cancer is twice more than women who do not consume this type of fat.
It is unfortunate that these harmful hidden fat in biscuits, candies, chips and french fries, pizza, and ready-made dishes ... Pay attention to the well-laminated Blog on food cans and Beware of ingredients containing a lot of trans fats.

Keeping fit

If you get rid of all obese women and their weight excess and succeeded in reaching the ideal weight, can avoid tens of thousands of breast cancers each year. Why? Because excess weight raises the rate of estrogens.
After menopause, fat can be accumulated in the fatty tissue that stimulates the production of estrogens. It is unfortunate that whenever the saturation of the body for a longer time to these hormones, increased risk of breast cancer.
From here, there is a need to need to maintain a fit and proper weight, especially after the age of fifty, to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

But it must be noted that the weight is not important as it is the distribution of body fat. The danger lies in the accumulated fat in the abdomen. So, always try to minimize your waist as much as possible, and do not exceed 80 cm when possible. How? Through exercise and increased consumption of vegetables.

Having children at an early age

Speaking doctors and scientists about the importance of having children before the age of 30 years. Fajlaya mammary gland do not mature until after the first birth, and then become less vulnerable to attacks carcinogens.
In other words, whenever Ibkrt women to have children, reduced the risk of exposure of her breasts to cancer, noting that having a first child after the age of 30-year-old woman loses this «premium» protective.

It is interesting that the more women gave birth to more children, decreased the risk of breast cancer. And if the mother breastfeeds her child for at least six months, can protect her breasts from cancer significantly. Studies indicate diminishing the risk of breast cancer by 5 percent for each month of breastfeeding.

Control of the tension
Contrary to popular belief, does not consider the psychological trauma or stress or extreme sadness of cancer-causing agents, even if sometimes the opposite is true. It has been shown that daily stress converts apparently without the disease! How? By reducing the production of estrogen.
We are talking here of course is useful for tension, which drives us forward, and not that which causes tension in the stomach and Systole us to depression.

Detection of the disease
Is currently detect 70 percent of small tumors in the breasts through acoustic images, and the rate of healing often to 90 percent.
In some cases, it can also dispense chemotherapy and surgical big. However, 10 percent of breast cancers are still reveal in a very late stage so that the cure rate is almost non-existent. So, there is a need to be subjected to periodic surveys breasts starting from the age of 30 years.
After the age of fifty, there is no room for Tqoat never dates of acoustic images of the breasts, of course, not to forget the self-examination of the breasts and the visit to the doctor every six months.

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